Rodrigo Hernandez-Merlin

Rodrigo Hernandez-Merlin's picture
Fox International Fellow

Rodrigo Hernandez-Merlin is a recent graduate from Yale College where he received a B.A. in Ethnicity, Race, and Migration with Honors. His work in the degree has generally focused on studying Indigenous movements in Mexico during the 19th and 20th century. He spent the last summer investigating Juarez liberalism at the Beinecke Library, and during this upcoming year, he plans to do a project on how the legacy of the Mexican Revolution affected infrastructure development in Oaxaca. In addition, Rodrigo has done research analyzing Indigenous languages from colonial sources and documenting the immigration of various communities from Latin America into New Haven. This past year he has also been involved with Havenly Treats Inc. where he has been part of the support team for the fellowship program meant to assist refugee and migrant women.

Acad Year (Current): 
Fox International Fellowship