Kristina Jõekalda

Kristina Jõekalda's picture
Post-doctoral Associate

Juris Padegs Visiting Fellow - Spring 2021. Kristina Jõekalda is Junior Research Fellow at the Institute of Art History and Visual Culture, Estonian Academy of Arts, where she completed her Ph.D. in 2020. She has also studied at the University of Helsinki and in 2018 was a Visiting Fellow at Humboldt University of Berlin. Her doctoral dissertation, “German Monuments in the Baltic Heimat? A Historiography of Heritage in the ‘Long Nineteenth Century’” examines architectural monuments in the Baltic region as eyewitnesses to historical processes and considers their representation within subsequent art historiography. She has already published widely in the field and co-edited special issues of journals as well as the book A Socialist Realist History? Writing Art History in the Post-War Decades (Vienna/Cologne/Weimar, 2019) At Yale, she will write several articles which engage with the institutional history of heritage protection; the reception of nineteenth-century historicizing renovations; handbooks of historical and contemporary art and architecture; knowledge transfer, center-periphery discussions; and the afterlife of the Baltic Germans during the interwar era and beyond.

European Studies Council
Acad Year (Current): 
European Studies Council