Jose Max Hidalgo Nacher

Jose Max Hidalgo Nacher's picture
Visiting Fellow

Max Hidalgo Nácher is Associate Professor of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at Universitat de Barcelona (UB). He is researcher at Grupo de Estudios del Exilio Literario (GEXEL, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Grupo Literatura, Cine y otros Lenguajes Artísticos (GLiCiArt, UB) and the project “Usos de la teoría en la literatura y el cine españoles del siglo XXI” (UB). He graduated in Journalism at the UAB and in Literary Theory and Comparative Literatura at the UB, and completed a master’s degree in Lettres, Arts et Pensée Contemporaine at the Université Paris VII (Denis Diderot), where he presented his research Le sujet du langage dans l’œuvre de Samuel Beckett under the supervision of Julia Kristeva. He earned his PhD from the UB in 2013 with his dissertation El problema de la escritura en el campo intelectual francés (1945-1975) under the supervision of Nora Catelli. He has undertaken research investigations at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario (2013), Universidade de São Paulo (2015 and 2017), Harvard University (2016), Fundação Haroldo de Campos (2018) and École Normale Supérieure (2021), and he has codirected, together with Fernando Larraz and Paula Simón, the journal Puentes de crítica literaria y cultural. His main research fields are poetics of Modernism, circulation of Literary Theory and its uses since the second half of the 20th century, and writing of exiled republicans from the 1939 Spanish Civil War. He has published articles about Max Aub, José Bergamín, María Zambrano, Haroldo de Campos, Roland Barthes, Jorge Luis Borges, Oscar Masotta, Leyla Perrone and Nicolás Rosa, among others, and is currently investigating Haroldo dos Campos’ library, its intellectual networks and the construction of a theory of writing linked to translation. He has translated to Spanish Diana Junkes’ book of poems alas plumas macramé for Vera Cartonera (UNL-CONICET, 2020) and, together with Caterina Ribas, Soy como el trueno (Madrid, Sabina, 2017) by Anna Dodas, both published in a bilingual edition. In 2022 he will publish Teoría en tránsito. Arqueología de la crítica y de la teoría literaria españolas de 1966 a la posdictadura, the first volumen of an investigation on Los estudios literarios en Argentina y en España: institucionalización e internacionalización coordinated by Analía Gerbaudo.

Council on Latin American & Iberian Studies
Acad Year (Current): 
Council on Latin American & Iberian Studies