Tim Maximilian Sels

Tim Maximilian Sels's picture
Fox International Fellow

Tim Sels has been conducting doctoral research under the supervision of professor Katja Görlitz in Economics and Business Management at Freie University in Berlin since 2019. His research focuses on applied microeconometrics and he empirically investigates various interdisciplinary research questions with different sub-themes in the fields of management practice, group behavior, competition, education and environment. His studies of Business Management at HWR Berlin, where he graduated with the award for the best student in the academic year, were followed by studies of Economics at FU Berlin, where he specialized in causal data analysis, counterfactual problems and natural experiments. Tim was also awarded the Certificate in International Economics, Area Studies and Comparative Development for his cross-departmental interest. Tim’s research divides into three streams so far. He analyzes educational policies such as class repetitions on the overall educational attainment. Currently, he is working on the impact of group diversity on individual performance and interpersonal behavior at work in competitive situations. Another research interest includes environment and real estate. In addition to his academic work, Tim also works as a portfolio manager for real estate investments at BVV pension fund in Berlin (since 2015).

Academic Year: 
Fox International Fellowship