Junia Furtado

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Visiting Professor

Junia Ferreira Furtado is Full Professor of Early Modern History at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais/Brazil and Senior Professor at Universidade Federal de São Paulo and author of numerous publications on various aspects of Early Modern Luso-Brazilian-French History and African History, on topics as history of cartography, history of science, diplomacy, slavery, gender. Among her books: Chica da Silva: a Brazilian slave of the Eighteenth Century (Cambridge University Press, 2009); Oráculos da Geografia iluminista: (EdUFMG/2012); The map that invented Brazil (Versal Editors/2013) that won best book in Human Science - Jabuti Award, year 2014, prize by Brazilian Chamber of Books; and Quebra cabeça africano : como um embaixador português, um geógrafo francês, um escritor inglês e um pirata imaginário transformaram a cartografia da África (Miguilim/Odisseia, 2021).

Council on Latin American & Iberian Studies
Acad Year (Current): 
Council on Latin American & Iberian Studies