Helen Tamrat

Helen Tamrat's picture
Fox International Fellow

Helen Tamrat is a recent graduate from Yale College, where she obtained a B.A. in African American Studies. As an Education Studies Scholar and an aspiring educator, much of Helen’s academic focus relates to exploring how to use antiracist education as a form of resistance to colonial systems of oppression. During her undergraduate career, Helen served as a Co-Leader Mentor for the Poorvu Center’s Pedagogical Partners, a program that pairs students with faculty partners to promote inclusive dialogue on teaching and learning in their respective classes. As a Yale Young Global Scholars instructor and Urban Improvement Corps board member, she spent much of her Yale experience designing and teaching her own courses on the colonial histories of education and media. In alignment with these interests, Helen also spent time working on education research serving as The Policy Lab’s Segregation and Education Working Group Coordinator, focused on federal education policy, and co-authoring an exposeé on the consequences of corporate philanthropy on public education.

Academic Year: 
Fox International Fellowship