David Cerero Guerra

David Cerero Guerra's picture
Fox International Fellow

David is a doctoral candidate in the Yale Political Science department. His research focuses on how armed actors in Latin America govern communities and how their interactions with the state affect public service provision. Broadly, he is interested in quantitative methods and formal models to understand violence and peace in developing contexts. He currently holds a Fulbright scholarship for graduate studies in the U.S.

Previously, he worked as a Research Associate for Innovations for Poverty Action on a project aimed at understanding gang governance conditions in low-income neighborhoods in Colombia. He also worked as a Research Analyst on governance, crime, and ex-combatant projects, served as a Data Adviser in the National Planning Department of Colombia, and was a Research Assistant for a World Bank and Harvard University project in developing countries. He holds a master’s degree in economics and a bachelor’s degree from Universidad de los Andes in Bogota, Colombia.

Academic Year: 
Fox International Fellowship