António Valentim

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Postdoctoral Associate

António Valentim is a political scientist whose work focuses on the comparative politics of the environment. He obtained a PhD from Humboldt University Berlin and has a background in (social) psychology. The core of his research studies when and how voters and political elites act on climate, and how these groups influence one another. More specifically, he studies how both voters and political elites react to climate change and the politicisation of the environment, as well as the consequences of environmental policy. He is also interested in gender and representation. António studies these questions in established democracies, applying causal inference methods on observational and geospatial data. While at Yale, António will be working with Professors Sarah Bush (Dept of Political Science) and Amanda Clayton (Vanderbilt) on a NSF-funded project on how gender differences on environmental concern globally.

MacMillan Center
Academic Year: 
MacMillan Center