Alim Alp

Alim Alp's picture
Associate Research Scholar

Alim Yusup Alp is Uyghur, he was born in Kashgar, the historical capital city of the Karakhan Uyghur empire.  Before joining Yale, Alim Yusuf Alp was a postdoctoral fellow and a visiting scholar with the Harvard visiting scholar program at Harvard University.  He specializes in Turkic studies, especially the Uyghur language and Uyghur culture with a focus on the linguistics and old manuscripts of Uyghur. His work currently focuses on protecting the Uyghur language and preserving Uyghur culture studies, as Uyghur language is under the threat of becoming an endangered language under the policies of the Chinese Communist party regime.  Alim Yusuf Alp received his PhD from Central University for Nationalities (Minzu University) in China, and was an Associate Professor in China from 2008-2018.  He taught modern Uyghur, old Uyghur manuscripts, old Turkic, modern Turkish, experimental phonetics, historical phonetics, and social linguistics to undergraduate and graduate students.

Alim Yusuf Alp was as a visiting scholar in Frankfurt in 2009 and in 2014 .  He has published nearly 20 papers and conference reports, and a monograph. in Chinese. He is the recipient of several social science-foundation grants in China. 

Council on East Asian Studies
Academic Year: 
Council on East Asian Studies