Jenniffer Vargas Reina

Jenniffer Vargas Reina's picture
Postdoctoral Associate

Jenniffer Vargas Reina is an academic researcher on topics related to agrarian studies and armed conflict. She received her PhD in the Social Sciences from Facultad Lationamericana de Ciencias Sociales in Mexico in 2019. Her research focuses on the role of the state in land grabbing and the different modalities of land accumulation in civil war context. She has served as researcher at the  Observatorio de Restitución y la Regulación de Derechos de Propiedad Agraria [The Observatory of Restitution and Regulation of Agrarian Property Rights] in Colombia, as a lecturer in the department of political science at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and as a researcher at the Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Relaciones Internacionales IEPRI. Among her recent publications are: “El despojo paramilitar y su variación: quiénes, cómo, por qué” in co-authorship with Francisco Gutiérrez; “State, war, and land dispossession” in co-authorship with Sonia Uribe; “Agrarian elite participation in Colombia’s civil war” in co-authorship with Francisco Gutiérrez; and “Factores que limitan la acción colectiva de las víctimas de desplazamiento forzado”.

Agrarian Studies
Acad Year (Current): 
Program in Agrarian Studies